

The Fast-Talking Billionaire

The Fast-Talking Billionaire

It's not surprising that Greg Lindberg has his eyes on longevity. Accused of pilfering $2 billion from policyholders at his insurance companies, the 53-year-old faces being in jail until he's 90. But that hasn't dimmed his enthusiasm for his latest venture: Living forever through fasting.
Dept. of (my) History

Dept. of (my) History

In 1982, I wrote a story about AIDS that mentioned 958 cases had been reported worldwide. Forty years on, the total is 75 million. I'm reposting the piece as a document of what it was like to be in NYC at the dawn of the crisis.

To Bruce, Or Not To Bruce

I'm tired of Bruce Springsteen these days. There. I said it. BUT, and you knew there had to be a but ...
How I Cut the Cord (…and learned about VPNs and IPTVs)

How I Cut the Cord (…and learned about VPNs and IPTVs)

Not long ago, I found myself staring at my satellite TV bill and wondering why I was paying $120 a month. With only a few exceptions, its hundreds of channels were a wasteland. I cut the cord. And I've never been happier. A lot of you have been asking me how I did it. So I created thIs guide...
Storm Surviving: Three Days & Nights With Florence

Storm Surviving: Three Days & Nights With Florence

By Sunday, after battling through 100 mph winds and tornado warnings, I thought the worst was behind me. Then I looked at the emergency text that buzzed on my phone. For the first time, I panicked.

The Confederate Conundrum

The power to dictate how white history gets taught in America lies at the heart of our fight over Confederate monuments.